5 Tips to Invest in S&P 500


One of the most commonly observed stock averages worldwide is called the S&P 500. It measures performance of companies that make up the index of 500 companies. The S&P 500 is a commonly used proxy for United States stocks as it consists of many big companies that represent a broad cross-section of industries. Here are 5 tips for investors looking to gain exposure to the s&p 500:

  1. Know what the S&P 500 Index tracks

This index has components of 500 big company equities of significant industries’ economies, known as S&P 500. This index is composed of different firms’ stocks that influence it depending on its capitalization size, implying that the largest firms dictate what happens in this index. The top sector of the S&P 500 comprises IT, healthcare, financials, communication services, and consumer discretionary. This understanding is facilitated by knowing who composes the index and which economic sectors it includes so that the investor knows what kinds of companies he / she will be buying.

  1. Consider Index Funds and ETFs

They may, for instance, buy index funds or ETFs that offer a cheap way of having the S&P 500 exposure. One such example includes the Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO), which is an index fund that follows the index and thus offers investors a well-diversified basket of the five hundred largest listed American companies in one single investment. Trades of ETFs are done exactly like stocks in stock exchanges all through the day.

  1. Take a Long Term View

Thus, investing in the S&P 500 is suitable when one has long term interests because of its excellent track record spanning several decades. However, it cannot be denied that minor changes occur within a year timeframe, but the index has posted returns averaging around 10% per annum over the past three decades. Investors gain more by viewing their investments over a 5-10 year period as it keeps them off attempts of timing the market thus, losing growth opportunities.

  1. Rebalance Portfolio Periodically

Owing to differences in returns of individual stocks and sectors over time, portfolio’s allocation towards the initial targets may change. Rebalancing is crucial for ensuring that the investment returns correspond with the initial plan. For instance, if a particular portfolio started with initial composition of 60 percent large caps and 40 percent mid/small caps but now large cap allocation stands at the level of 70 percent, since there were higher returns on large cap stocks this situation necessitates rebalancing,


S&P 500 index is popular as it helps to get the diversified exposure on large companies at the cheapest cost possible. The index has had an excellent track record over the past decades. Investors can take advantage of it by adopting long term vision and such approaches as investing in index funds, and periodic rebalancing. To participate in creating the stock markets’ wealth requires understanding what does the S&P 500 track and investing in it being disciplined through 5paisa.